Creativity is an important element of digital marketing and graphic design services are crucial to making any marketing campaign stand out and have the desired effect. While there are vital design components that any digital marketing agency would focus on through their graphic design services, it is also important that designers pay attention to the latest graphic design trends.
Electric Fade Electric fade emerged as a cutting edge graphic design trend that stood out because it was bold, unique and futuristic. When creative design services first began using electric fade in designs, it made marketing campaigns stand out and left an impression.
However, electric fade soon became a widely used design in digital marketing services and is now mainstream. This does not mean that the trend is no longer used as digital marketing agency teams often consider electric fade for tech or sports-related campaigns and even political ads.
Electric fade in graphic design is characterised by hues of electric turquoise, cyan, purple, and magenta used in curvilinear blends.
- Environmental
Creative design services look at the best way to present information via the chosen channel, but conversations on graphic design tend to mainly focus on the visualisation aspect of digital marketing campaigns. However, it is also important to consider graphic design trends in physical environments.
The use of physical environments has always played a role in graphic design services, but current trends look at the topography of physical environments and how different elements can be used to create the desired effect.
Wayfinding, for instance, is the use of design or architectural elements to aid orientation in a physical space.Creative design services can incorporate digital marketing elements with wayfinding and interior design in general and this is a digital marketing agency trend many see today.
In addition to this, graphic design services can use places like art installations, retail stores and museum displays in creative and innovative ways. Single letters or blocks of text, for instance, can be incorporated into these designs, with the text wrapping around three-dimensional objects, surfaces or corners.
A digital marketing agency can also use elements of force perspective, where optical illusions are used to make objects feel closer or further away than they a
Figure Isolation The distortion of images is a key practice in creative design services and a social media marketing agency can present content in an eye-catching manner using various techniques like figure isolation.
Figure isolation is a technique where the background is removed so human figures are placed against open, airy or blank backgrounds. The three-dimension human figure against the flatness of the background is further enhanced with the use of surrounding colour and text.
An artist attached to an SEO marketing company may use graphic elements, text, and various shapes wrapped around, through or over the figure to add to the overall effect. These abstract elements give the design a focal point, making it easier to highlight important elements.
Red Line Red, white and black, when used together, can leave a strong impression on the audience. It is a striking colour combination and is used widely in graphic design. These red, black and white compositions are known as a red line and it covers a wide emotional spectrum.
Red is often used to depict anger and power and the red line is a trend that can be used to add these emotional elements into visual elements of digital marketing campaigns.The colour combination is often seen in outdoor advertising for products like activewear as well as in print, product packaging, and transportation.
Photography is one of the best ways to incorporate the red, white and black colour combination into graphic design and there is a lot of room for creativity with this trend.
Sliver of Light Digital marketing services work with various elements and mediums. Sliver of light is a trend seen mainly with illustrations and text layouts where the illustration is the primary storytelling element.
Sliver of light is characterised by a ray of light that acts as a visual pathway to draw one’s attention to the composition. Human figures are often used as the focal point of the light and this trend can be seen in movie posters, book covers, and editorial illustrations as it adds a sense of drama and mystery to the design.