Companies require graphic designers for their various projects and they can be categorised depending on the type of work they do.
Brand Identity Designer
A visual or brand identity designer uses strategy to create the visual elements of a brand. This could be a brand’s logo, colours, and typography, which make up the image of the brand and are unique to the company.
A brand identity designer brings the tools, skills, and experience required to create an identity for your brand that will set you apart from your competitors and a skilled designer can make your brand identity memorable to customers, increase its presence, and draw more and more people to the brand.
In addition to this, a brand identity designer can make even a relatively new brand look well established through the logo design and overall appearance of the brand.
Marketing and Advertising Designer
There is no doubt that marketing and advertising are two main operations of a business, which means that the team responsible of the designing aspect of marketing campaigns have a huge task on their hands. This could be on various platforms like print media, electronic media, or social media.
An advertising designer will produce effective campaigns using photography, videography, illustrations, and colour. They must be extremely creative as a marketing and advertising designer is required to communicate with the client in order convey a message that aligns with the brand and company and also reaches the target audience.
UI Designer
User Interface or UI design refers to the process of making interface in software with a focus on style or appearance. A UI designer will be required to design an interface that will be attractive and pleasing to look at for users.
Whether this is a graphical UI, voice-controlled interface, or a gesture-based interface, a UI designer plays an important role in a company as the interface is a vital part of the user experience. If a user does not find the interface pleasing or attractive, they won’t hesitate to look at other software options. Thus, in order to keep a user engaged and interested, the UI design must have appropriate styles and features that will make it user-friendly.
Packaging Designer
No matter how good a product is, customers may be reluctant to purchase it if the packaging isn’t attractive or functional. In addition to being eye-catching, the design of a package must also convey what the product is, as well as company and brand objectives and vision.
A packaging designer will take all of these into consideration and use their designing skills to achieve these. In order to make sure the product packaging aligns with the company and brand image, a packaging designer will constantly communicate with the client to determine their needs and design the packaging so that it stands out among other products on a shelf.
Publicity Designer
A publicity or poster designer designs media to publicise a product and some of the essential functions of a publicity designer include designing logos, posters, and other artwork to promote a product.
They may be required to integrate the company message, objectives, and vision into the design and use appropriate colours, typography, and images to create the material. The publicity designer must thus have the required knowledge and skills to create the publicity material as well as have access to the required software.
There may also be certain standards and guidelines that must be adhered to when designing material and it is important that the publicity designer is aware of these.
Publication Designer
Publications can include newspapers, magazines, newsletters, books, catalogues, and annual reports. These publications require designs for their covers and layout and a publication designer will use typography, artwork, graphics, and photography to improve the design of a publication.
In order to create the layout of a publication, the designer will work closely with the editor and publishers and require communication as well as organisational skills. They must also have an excellent understanding of colour management, printing, and digital publishing.
Art and Illustration Designer
All of the above types of designers make use of artwork to create their designs. This artwork, which plays a huge role in marketing design, packaging design, and publication design, is created by art and illustration designers.
These designers will use various techniques and methods to create their work, which could be fine art, illustrations, or animations. The artwork they create may then be used by a graphic designer in promotional material, websites, and publications.